Sunday, February 23, 2020

Another bird painting

This was done a year ago, acrylic on cradled birch panel.
I guess it's pigeons wading in water.
I found this painting hiding behind some stuff today when I was organizing my studio. This weekend I bought a huge supply of stretched canvas from Hobby Lobby-
50% off all art supplies, so I stocked up. Which meant I had to move some stuff around. Anyway, this painting was hidden. The good thing is that now I like it. Last year I didn't. I am always painting with a voice in my head saying, "awww, you can't do this. You're awful. You won't get this right."
So when I find something I did and it's like a surprise, it makes me happy, so I had to show you. I hope it makes you happy too....


jenclair said...

Time can make a difference, and it isn't wonderful to find something you've almost forgotten and love it!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I'm stunned that you let your brain take over that way!! Your work is so wonderful. Those pigeons DO make me happy to look at. i thought maybe they were pecking seeds off the ground. Whatever they are doing THEY look happy!
xx, Carol

Barbara said...

So, you painted this last year? It does indeed make me happy! This is representative of the kind of folk art I remember and always enjoy so much from your work. You’ve already done it very well many times, so tell the little voice in your head to be quiet. :)

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Debra it does make me happy. I love the way you painted the background behind the pigeons. Like Barbara it gives me the feel of folk art. Wonderful. Is not Hobby Lobby the best!! Sending you back a cyber hug!