Monday, April 6, 2020

Please pray

My brother has tested positive for COVID-19.
Please pray for his wife also.
Thank you


Sandi said...


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I have talked to two triage nurses about Terry. His health issues have blurred the line on whether he had it or not. He could not get approved for a test. He was in bed for a week. When I brought him a pizza when he was feeling better he complained it was not a great pizza. No taste. I asked him to smell it. Nope, no smell. I'll wait patiently to see if I get sick. I've been watching people on TV who have had it describe how they felt. For sure not everyone gets the same symptoms. We think the fact that Terry has inhalers for his COPD really helped his difficult breathing. After all, here they just make you stay home and weather it out unless you are at death's door anyway. Please keep us posted about your brother and his wife. I will keep him in thoughts and prayers.
xx, Carol

kathyinozarks said...


Barbara said...

So many are having to deal with the news of a positive test, yet many of them never get symptoms. Then many more than that are recovering from the symptoms they do have. I guess I’m trying to help you keep faith that he will be OK. The overwhelming odds are with him. But in the meantime, prayers will be offered.

Michelle Palmer said...

Mighty hugs to you~ praying for your brother, his wife and you.

jenclair said...

I am so sorry to hear this, Debra. My thoughts are with your brother, your family, and you.

Chris Lally said...

Absolutely praying for your brother and his wife, and for you, Debra:)

Henny Penny said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Will be praying too.