Monday, August 23, 2021

Be nice.

I don't know why I'm blogging so much~but I have something a little bit on my mind, so I thought I'd put in pretty pictures from last fall, and also tell what I'm thinking.
There does seem to be a noticeable division between people now in the US that wasn't there before. For instance, if you believe a certain way-you are labeled "the right" or "the left" by the news media, and this kind of labeling finds its way into 'our-speak' when we think about or talk about people. I'm not saying it very well, but I don't like being thrown into a side. I have beliefs that both 'sides' would call their own-so how can that be truly one side? And doesn't that kind of talk make us even more divided?

To distill a person into their basic beliefs is to throw away the whole person. We are so much more. I resent Fox news always saying "The left." I don't support Trump at all, and I honestly don't support Biden much except he's nicer than Trump.
See-isn't that stupid?
I think so much of what we believe about politics now depends on which news we watch.
Call me apolitical, and you'd be correct. Ignorant too, possibly.

My main gripe is that I hate seeing the meanness and the division in this country. I hate the anger.

I propbably shouldn't publish this, but I'm going to anyway. 

Can't we just be nice? Where has that quality gone?



jenclair said...

I think we are all feeling this division and the stress that arises, whether we are always aware of it or focus on it. I wish both politicians and the press would stop the constant negative attacks on "the other" party and get down to running the country. It's fine to have different ideas, but deliberately fanning the flames is wrong. It has had me wandering around unable to focus lately. There are so many problems that need to be addressed, but it honestly doesn't seem that many of them are ever discussed in a helpful manner. I'm glad you brought this up because it has been bothering me so much that I have to really look for the beauty and the humorous to keep me from sliding into apathy. Or maybe, I'm already, but looking for a way out.

kathyinozarks said...

Good afternoon, beautiful photos-I really enjoyed them, and I love your message- so agree, we need to be nicer to each other, more tolerant of different beliefs. and I agree which news one watches makes a huge difference-I found that out a few years ago-so now I never watch any news at all on the tv, but look all over the web for news-a better perspective of what is really going on. Hugs

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photos, Debra. I know what you mean. I think the rift between people is growing wider all over the world, and that's not good. Mask wearers, mask refusers, vaccinated, not vaccinated, right, left, so many divisions, and people are not prepared to tolerate that others have a different opinion. We need to respect each other regardless of all these things. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

Barbara said...

I agree Debra, but what you hope for is probably unachievable as long as there are wide gaps being fueled by the abusive Trump and Fox News type people of this world. Tolerating others’ opinions isn’t hard if differing views are presented with consideration and resoect. However, moving on from the offensive language of those revered by intolerant people is near impossible when trying to be understanding and caring. You are a gentle soul, Debra, and I suspect this is one of the reasons this has been weighing so heavily on your mind. Your lovely photos show your concern and respect for all life. I especially love your photos of Sam! said...

I was only thinking the other day why can't people be nice to one another. Lovely photos.

Hill Top Post said...

Great photos! I am so done with summer, but its definitely not done with us. It’s a hot and dry 95 degrees right now. I am just trying to keep the garden alive for the hummingbirds. How wonderful it would be if the whole world could just “Be nice.”

Rajani Rehana said...

Mind blowing pictures

Debra said...
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Debbie Nolan said...

So well said dear friend...yes we all need more kindness. Love your gorgeous photos as always. Hope you are having a great weekend. Hugs!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

The world can always use extra kindness. Love your pretty photos!

artbyjune said...

Can't we just be nice to one another, you ask. I so agree with you. I love your photos: the landscape colours and that goose getting on with its own business. How lovely is that?

DVArtist said...

Very well written. Being nice is a choice.