Saturday, June 11, 2022

Tale of woe-woodchucks!

 We have a woodchuck or three that are terrorizing my garden. This is the before photo-and the one above this one. Now my kale looks like stubs. Now I have garden fabric on it and they have tried to bite through that. I'm hoping the kale will grow back from the stems....

I loved getting so much feedback on the painting in the previous post. It was  interesting to read so many different opinions and ways of seeing the same thing! Thank you everyone-it was wonderful of you. I have another painting to post soon.
Have a lovely weekend, and thanks so much for stopping by!


Valerie-Jael said...

Oh those naughty woodchucks! I hope some of your produce survives.
I saw this article about Old Tom, a goose on an internet blog that I read, and thought you would like it:

It commemorates the famous goose Old Tom. During the early 19th Century one of the most celebrated characters in the Market was Old Tom, a gander from Ostend who came to England by chance, due to his fascination with one of the lady members of his flock. It is recorded that over two consecutive days 34,000 geese were slaughtered in the Market – but Old Tom managed to escape execution. He became a great favourite in the Market and was a regular customer at the local inns where he was fed titbits. So famous was he that his obituary appeared in The Times on 19th March 1835, giving his age as 37 years, 9 months and 6 days.
If you want to read more and see the photos, you can do so here:

Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

DVArtist said...

Ohhh your garden is just stunning. Sorry about the woodchuck. We have had so much rain that my garden, even though covered, has stunted in growth and everything is water logged. We've not had this much rain in 20 years and especially through June. I have filled every container with rain water. So it is nice to see your garden. Have a great day.

kathyinozarks said...

oh bummer about the critters in your garden-here the chipmunks eat everything in site so I didn't try to grow any veggies this year. we have a ground hog here that gets into mischief and racoons. lovely blooms-hugs

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Your owl watercolor is a true personality.
Possum! They are determined critter. Somebody told me recently she planted garlic around to keep them away. Maybe a concentrated garlic spray on the cloth not touching the kale?

Barbara said...

Hooray, another painting coming! I hope this becomes a habit. 😄

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh my Debra...sorry to read about your woodchucks. It is always disheartening to plant something and see that it has been desecrated. In spite of all this though your flowers are beautiful and everything looks so wonderful. Hope you have a great week. Hmm - thanks for the reminder about the Kale...I have a seed packet somewhere that I have not planted is one of those veggies I have never grown before. Take care - Hugs!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I got caugt up seeing all that rust and rusty goodness, i almost didn't notice how much damage had been done by the woodchucks. I have bunnies and squirrels that are stealing my plants, but they are not vicious like the woodchucks appear to be. I actually love your garden and how artistically it is laid out. If I ever get rid of the bamboo in my yard, I might try something like what you have created. Good luck with your ideas for keeping these critters at bay.

artbyjune said...

I love seeing the flowers in your garden. I think woodchucks must be interesting creatures. We don't have them in UK.

Hill Top Post said...

It is disheartening to have critter damage in the garden. We have all but given up on our sweetcorn patch because of the fox squirrels. But, honestly, I love your garden and find it so inspiring.

Becki said...

Your garden does look lovely, Debra, but that is discouraging to have a woodchuck just help himself to your labor. I've not noticed many of our neighbors planting gardens out here. You've now got me to wondering if there's a reason for that. Time will tell, I suppose. :/