Feather Garden
Friday, February 14, 2025
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
November 6
"For there is hope for a tree if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease. Though its root grow old in the earth, and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put out branches like a young plant." Job 14:7-9.
There is always hope.
When God seems silent, He is working still.
So perhaps you wonder why I am writing about such a personal heart breaking thing like my mom dying. How can I write when I hurt a hundred times a day? Why am I making a private part of my life out there for the world to see?
Because for much of my life I did not have a very good feeling about my mom. We hurt each other. There were years of misunderstanding-but yes, times of love that did keep us connected.
It took my mom to be in this condition to break my heart and give up the huge resentments and unforgiveness that always clouded my thoughts. That state of mind hardened my heart.
"yet at the scent of water..."
And I called myself a Christian...Yes, I believed, but I lived with "rooms" shut off from God. "Do not enter, I am hurt, I will hold onto this hurt."
But it only hurt me, and of course, my mom.
All this to say: thankfully the heart of stone has been removed. I have to give my stack of regrets to God, who hides them, takes them away-His Word says so.
Because I have repented- I have turned around.
So I write and publish a blog post to give you hope, maybe. If you even desire to be changed by God, He will do it.
And my mom knows how much I love her.
Because I can truly tell her I do.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Thursday, October 31, 2024
On a Wing
When you are stripped of everything in life-the possessions you love, your clothing, the ability to walk, being able to communicate well; when you are at the mercy of others for all of your needs-the world becomes very meaningless.
What doesn't matter at all:
The election
what day it is
grudges + offences
hopes + dreams
Because here you are in a hospital bed and you are facing a final day on earth.
That is my mom's reality. Right now.
I'm writing about it because I need to.
She had a third stroke- a bad one. She is on comfort care. I visit every day. Some days are better than others. When I can get her to sip the thickened drinks-it's a good day. Bad days are when she is sleeping and I count her breaths per minute.
The most important reason none of life's troubles or joys are meaningless to her is that she is waiting for Jesus to come and take her Home.
There is nothing more important than knowing who God is and why on earth He loves us so much.
That thing in the back of your mind that creeps up to the front now and then and won't let you rest-that sin- that thing you know you did that was wrong. Well, Jesus died for that sin.
For all sin. For everyone.
You know what? Nothing else matters.
Ask Jesus into your heart.
He's real. And He loves you with a love that's impossible to contain in words.
He loves you.