Thursday, January 30, 2020

Chicken Head and chicken body

Photo references from Pixabay
I'm not happy with the laying down chicken, and the head is a bit scary, but that's where I'm at in the sketchbook as of today. I'm pleased that I can start to see when a painting just does not work.
Most of mine don't work-
and that's ok.
Because I am not giving up.
My weaknesses: values
color mixing
I'm absolutely terrible at figures
working too hard at a painting-
not just letting go...

I read that beginners work hard at getting things 'copied' as far as what they see, instead of getting more feeling into their paintings. I certainly am at that stage.
Maybe that's why I went a little wild with Chicken Head.

January is almost over! Yay!!
Onward to the great woodchuck holiday.
We have three of them living:
under the little shed we store straw in,
under the kitchen porch
under the front porch.
And they are HUGE.
Last year they didn't eat one bit of my paltry garden.
Maybe they're waiting for me to grow more kale.
Speaking of kale-we've been devouring it with cut up winter squash, pan roasted, with dried cranberries sprinkled on top. Yum.


Barbara said...

I LOVE your post, Debra. I really could have written it. I’m familiar with so much of it — knowing when a painting isn’t working, not wanting to give up, working too hard at a painting (and then I’ve invariably overworked it!) colors and mixing being weaknesses, not being able to do figures, and the list goes on for me. But it’s all OK with me too, I’m not giving up either! It feels so good to know we are both on the other end celebrating when we paint something that works. About your chicken, I don’t know if I’d celebrate the body but I could never do as well as you did! However, the head is fascinating to me, and I absolutely LOVE it! You never fail to achieve success with an animal’s face. I think it’s all about the eyes, you are soooo good at those!

Debra said...

Awww thanks! Yup, we gotta just keep on!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Love the critique of your work. That's how you grow, isn't it? I had to go to the Google Machine to see if groundhogs and woodchucks are the same. Pretty much. Groundhogs are pretty prevalent here. We have had them running the neighborhood for the past few years. We had one living under our front deck last year and he really caused a lot of damage. You pretty much can't catch them in a live trap because if you do they just tear it apart to get out.
xx, Carol