Thursday, March 5, 2020

little bits of stuff

 I've been outside walking around the yard with my goose, Sam. This has nothing to do with the photos from my sketch book. It's bright and sunny and almost 50 degrees! The red-wing blackbirds are singing, and the grackles are back, It's spring-finally, again.
I'm so thankful.
I can't wait to hear peepers and see the birds come back that I miss during winter.
This is Sam.
She is my sweet girl. Almost 19 years old. One of my best friends.
I hope you have a nice week...


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Good afternoon Debra,
I am so happy you enjoyed the Lavender post. Thank you so much for visiting.
I really like your photos from your sketchbook!
Sam is so sweet, 19 years old? You must take such good care of her.

Barbara said...

Loving your art of all kinds Debra, as always. I’m so happy to meet Sam! said...

What fun to know you have a close relationship with a goose. I have always been scared of their beaks and maybe I should re-evaluate.
Neat sketchbook!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I just love the picture in my mind of you and Sam walking together! How long do geese usually live? The Starlings are here. Harassing my birds and eating the Meal worms that are there for my Blue Birds. We have Robins all year long but they stay somewhere until the ground thaws and they can find worms.
xx, Carol

jenclair said...

The Goose Girl and Sam! It would make a great title for a book or a journal with illustrations by the author. :)

Debra said...

Good idea!

Debra said...

I read geese can live to be 40 years old-but none of mine have made it to 20. Sam might be the exception! Yes, we've had the starlings for a few weeks-they are keeping the woodpeckers away from the suet and hogging it down like crazy. We have robins all year long too...the flock I saw though probably came from the south.

Debra said...

Geese can be hurtful. I have been hit by an 'elbow' on their wing, and that hurts. After 40 years of raising geese, I've learned how to avoid getting hurt.

Debra said...

You are such a sweet cheerleader. I appreciate it so much...

Debra said...

Yes, I baby her like she's my child!