Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Anger probably isn't good right now but...

There are people out there who are not taking this covid 19 pandemic seriously. We have seen them in grocery stores, and my husband works with a few.
I won't touch politics, but my thoughts are there also.
To get back to a personal level, which means something YOU can do-

Wear a face mask made of cloth or a bandanna in public.
You will be protecting others if you are asymptomatic-

Stay 6 feet away from others in lines at the stores

Don't shop in grocery stores for emotional relief-workers are frontliners too, and they are getting sick from contact with so many people

Watch the news once in a while-
be informed

The CDC has a Symptom Checker
It will help you know if you should call your doctor
(Always call first)


Barbara said...

Thank you for this post, Debra. Thinking of you all.

Sandi said...

People probably think they couldn't possibly be carrying it or giving it to others.

kathyinozarks said...

Yes we have been staying in our home for the last month or more when this started. I go out every two weeks for food and come right back home.
there are sooooo many that do Not social distance the governors in many states did not enforce this til too late.
we all need to do our part-hugs to you

kathyinozarks said...

oh and I refuse to watch any more news-not accurate at all-very twisted-I only watch the Presidents or governors live for information

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Still keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
xx, Carol

Valerie-Jael said...

Good advice. These are hard times, and some just cannot accept that everyone needs to change their life style just now if we are all to get through this. All the best for you and yours, hugs, Valerie