Monday, May 11, 2020

Birds and life.

 These are Baltimore Orioles. They appear here every May. They make hang-y nests-they weave them using strings and grasses and man-made materials. I feed them oranges and they eat suet too.

This couple were having a bit of a disagreement-maybe about the virus?
Thank God-no.
There are a few living things on this planet that have remained unchanged by the news, opinions, and bad manners. They aren't rioting, carrying weapons or whining.

 I'm not making this less than it is:
I'm fearful
hopeless at times
feeling without a purpose
angry-at what, I have no idea.

When I reach down inside myself, I find something that has nothing to do with
I find something that looks like a big rock wall and I'm standing on it.
I look up
and there's a rainbow
there's birds singing
and geese flying low over my head.

I look up
The world is changing-perhaps forever not like it was before this virus happened to us.
My faith in God and what He says in His Word does not change.
That's what I'm holding on to right now.


Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely photos, Debra. It's important to hold on to the good things, and to look at beautiful things, this way we can keep our balance and not be pulled down by the stupidity of some people. Your faith will surely help you. Hugs, Valerie

kathyinozarks said...

I love the photos-if we were lucky the orioles would visit us at the woods on their journey-they didn't nest in the area-they are so beautiful
all we can do is have faith and stay positive-hugs

Sue (this n that) said...

Beautiful little birds, going about their daily business of survival.
I understand how you're feeling Debra... little waves of realisation pour over me too now and then.
Looking outside and seeing nature carrying on as per usual is definitely one of the ways of grounding xx

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful heart felt post
Lovely photos
We hang out together in all this.

Barbra Joan said...

We are all holding on . Since I’m at a risk level, and over 80 I’m holding onto what life I have. And praying for others . Trying to keep the rules so that I’m safe and keep others safe also.

sirkkis said...

How sweet darlings they are 😍. Nature gives us so much wonders and joy.
And "every cloud has a silver lining", Debra.
Best wishes ♥️
Sirkkis said...

Beautiful birds.

Chris Lally said...

Amen, Sister! Hold onto that!

Debbie Nolan said...

Love seeing your Orioles. My Amish neighbours put out grape jelly and they love it. I have yet to try feeding them. They eat about a jar of jelly a day. So beautiful to see them in our Apple trees. Yes keep "looking up" God is in control and He has us covered. Hugs

DVArtist said...

Really lovely photos. The birds are so pretty. said...

I love this post.
I love the images you chose.
I love the nest of the Baltimore Oriole more than any other nest.
I love how a big smile happened when looking at the “bird upside down” pic.
I love your positive attitude. Thank you.