Wednesday, May 6, 2020

This is where weird things happen.

 I scrubbed a floor mat to get the goose down and dust off of it. It's in front of a door in a back room where my goose, Sam sleeps at night. It's not a heated room. She sleeps in a large kiddie pool with straw in it for bedding. We can't leave her outside at night because of all the anmals that would kill her. Coyotes visit our yard all the time; so do raccoons, and we have bobcats.
Anyway, I left the mat out in the sun to dry off.
And this critter thought it was fun to poke his head up through the holes.

Marmots are the same as groundhogs, or whistle pigs.
They will stand you off if you approach them when they have babies-I know from experience.
Stanley has been hidden for a few days because we have very cold weather. It's going to snow.


kathyinozarks said...

I should know but what kind of snake is that? glad you have a safe place for your goose

Sandi said...


Valerie-Jael said...

What a cute little critter! And how lovely that your goose sleeps in the back room, well have a good heart. Stay safe, all of you. Hugs, Valerie

Debra said...


Debra said...

Thank you!

Debra said...

I'm not sure but I think it's a garter snake. If anyone knows-tell us please. He was a skinny fellow.

DVArtist said...

Yes he/she is a garter snake. A baby. Good for the garden and very lucky.

kathyinozarks said...

he was kinda cute too haha One year I opened up a small weber grill that had rotted away the legs-so used it on the ground as a baking "oven" when I took the lid off a whole bunch of baby copperheads that were too big to crawl through the small hole on the bottom-yikes-I had Larry deal with that

Debbie Nolan said...

Debra - he does look like he is a garden snake but I am not sure - because as a rule I give them wide birth. So you have bobcats...I think last summer I spotted one for the first time when walking the dogs...I couldn't be sure but the way he jumped and pounced made me think of a cat. They are nocturnal creatures - are they not?? Thank you sweet friend for making me smile today. Sending you a big hug!

Chris Lally said...

So heartwarming that Sam sleeps inside the house in a kiddie pool:) I know he appreciates it. Yes, lots of wild things in your neck of the woods. That snake, though, ... A good reminder to keep my shoes on in the warm weather. But snow?????

Barbra Joan said...

I think your right Debra, and he looks harmless. WE Hope !

sirkkis said...

Thanks for a smile, Debra :) It looks so fun peeking a hole. I don't know it, could be a baby?
Good that your goose is well and safe.
Wishing you too are healthy and all is going well xx

Barbara said...

Ewwww,snakes. This one looks harmless, but still....

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Garter snakes are funny.
Snow, not funny this time of year. I'm hoping the weather forecast will be wrong. said...

nature is quite that baby snake peeping through like that.
I have a great image of the kiddy pool with Sam in it. Fun! Enjoy your week and stay healthy.