Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Alone Goose~ a little story



Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful story
Time for another goose?

Barbara said...

So touching, Debra! You have created something with uncommon appeal to all ages. Lovely!

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful story and words, so good that your goose has you. Hugs, Valerie

Debra said...

My husband says no to more geese....We've known that for a few years now. I am glad Sam didn't mourn as badly as my goose Siegfried did years ago. At that time we had to get another goose because Sigfried was dying from lonliness. Sam is doing very well. When I can't be in the chair to hold her, she lays by the chair! It's so cute.

DVArtist said...

This is such a beautiful story. Have a nice day.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Maybe a chair nest would be comforting for Sam. Cut off chair legs half way, fleece for the seat, little walk up ramp? I don't know much about how geese nest. How does she react to geese on a computer screen or would that make her sad.

Debra said...

We lost Titus last September, 2019. She and Sam were best pals and were together 18 years! So Sam has had some time to readjust to being alone. She is doing very well with it as long as I can hold her often. She sleeps inside in a room that's off of our garege area-it's not heated. She has a kiddie pool that I fill with clean straw. She does make nests in it when it's egg laying time. And after Titus went to heaven, Sam had a spell of prolonged nest-making in that night time pool. I had to pick her up off of her nest to get her outside. She wasn't laying eggs-she just needed the nest as comfort. I let her do that until she just worked her way out of it. So you are right in saying nests are comforting. She really does watch wild geese but has never made an attempt to want to be with them. I think she would love seeing geese on a computer!
I wanted to write this little story because I got to thinking how much like her I am-being so isolated from groups of people, trying to adjust to loss, etc. But overall, I know I am loved by a very loving God.
P.S. I am still extremely blessed to have my husband, so I am not truly alone.

jenclair said...

Ah, Sam isn't really alone if you are there. :)

Sue (this n that) said...

Such a touchingly beautiful story Debra.
I loved reading all the above comments too xx