Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Window-robins

The apple tree fills my studio window. It's where the Window-robin looks up at the nest. It's a very old nesting site. The nest has been repaired each year and used only by robins. Others have looked at it, but found it to not be the rent they could afford, or in a neighborhood without a school for their future chilren...
But the Window-robins love this view, so the nest is just perfect.
Almost always four babies are hatched. They will have the view of the gardens as they get older. Something about the view and this particular spot will be etched in their brains, and someone will come back next year to start a new brood...

Both parents work hard to protect and feed the babies. Before the eggs hatch, the Dad brings food to the setting mama. Dad also takes a turn warming the beautiful blue eggs.

Right now the babies are about a week and a half old. Every day they will get more feathers and can lift their big heads a little higher.

 I love watching the Window-robins each year. Their second story maiden flight never fails to make me a little sad. Of course the parents feed the fledglings for a while, and then they are on their own. 

It has been a challenging year-more than a year. For everyone. I've watched my own friendships cease or change and disappear; can a pandemic steal that too? Perhaps from isolation, or fear-I don't know, but I do know I feel it.

And I've watched my country fall apart at the seams. 

So much has changed or vanished.

I grasp at how to make it postitive because I want to. To hold onto the blessings and truly be thankful for each one. To NAME each one, not just generalize it.

So, the Window-robins are a blessing. They go on. Each year, they do the same thing, but it doesn't seem the same, it seems brand new.

I hope you have named blessings in your life. If you want to, leave a comment and tell me about it.

That will count as one of my own blessings. Because each of you who do comment, and each visitor who only reads-you make my day nicer and I believe in something good all over again...



Debra said...

Thank you for taking time to visit me. It means a lot.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I have not been visiting my favorite blogs for many months for a couple of reasons. Today I have come her to see what you are up to. I think of you so often. Terry and I had Covid in February, me then him. I prayed for death I have NEVER been so sick. My brother in law passed from Covid just two weeks ago. We live on this mountain with SO MANY animals. I have befriended a few chickens and the ducks and also our Billy Goat named of course Billy. When a certain situation clears the way perhaps I will blog again. Probably...since today I am extremely interested to know what all my friends are doing. I loved your foray into paperclay! Love those faces and dolls.
xx, Carol

DVArtist said...

Wow! This is a great post. Thank you for sharing the Robins.

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Debra what a privilege to watch those baby Robins grow. Yes there are changes since the pandemic but hope springs into my heart that in time those we love and the things we enjoy will return. Enjoy your window Robins!]

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Debra, your returning robins are a blessing-hugs yes the world has changed hasn't it? Over the last year-and mostly not for the good in my opinion, sad to say-but we need to be true to ourselves and enjoy what makes us happy in our own envriroments-hugs your friend Kathy

Hill Top Post said...

Oh my goodness, I love the window robins' story! How beautifully you have told the story in both words and photographs. The seventh picture from the top is absolutely awesome.

Blessings! They do abound, here and there and everywhere. Right now I am thinking what wonderful blessings true friends are. Even those right here in Blogland! :~) (And, one of them even shared a very special feather!)

Barbara said...

My daughter has a similar nest of baby chickadees in a bush against her house, and they change everyday. They now also have feathers, it won’t be long before they take flight. It’s a reminder that life always begins anew!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Adorable! Wow, that must be so fulfilling in a wonderment way to be able to see such cuteness, and family love. The chick hanging over the nest appears to be looking you way. lol

Debbie Nolan said...

Debra what a wonderful gift to watch those baby robins grow and leave their nest. I just love watching the birds. They teach us so much. Hugs!

jenclair said...

I wish I had Window-Robins! Ands an apple tree! Yes, I struggle with so much that goes on about the country, which turns out to be very different from what I thought. I do have a mantra that has been repeated several times a day for nearly twenty years and has become more and more important to me. "I am grateful for the gift of this day." Even when the days are less than stellar, I repeat it upon waking and before sleep--and often in between when something joyful (like a Window-Robin) makes me smile.

sirkkis said...

Oooh, how wonderful family you've under your window! They are lucky, too to have such a friendly neighbour as you Debra.
Birds are unbelievable hard workers and nurse their children well.
And I'm glad you enjoy from them as well.

Barwitzki said...

Thank you for these wonderful photos of the robin nest. What a joy and happiness that you can watch them so beautifully ... Now they have already flown out!!!?
Our neighbor has a nest with redstart and it's so nice to hear the young chirping ... I hope I'll see when they fly for the first time. I will then protect them from the cats :-)
Greetings to you. Viola

Debra said...

Greetings to you! Yes, the babies are out of the nest. The parents are looking at the nest to repair it and have a second brood...