Thursday, October 28, 2021

Blessings in odd things....

 They came and paved our road. I can't believe it. That little jut to the right goes into our driveway which is just long enough to park our vehicles. The pavement ends a bit after that. So it's about 400 feet that got paved, from the main road to just beyond our driveway.


A silly thing, yet it's like a fly buzzing around your head that is annoying.

Things come up and I'm learning to deal with them. I want my J O Y more than anything because I can have that no matter what. I find it in God's Word. He's done so much for me.

So....I will be thankful! The fallen leaves do look pretty on that blacktop!


I'm starting a new adventure-making books. I have made books before, but now I'm REALLY getting into it. Altered books and Junk Journals. I LOVE looking at the ones people have made-YouTube is full of videos with great instructions. I love The Paper Outpost, and Book and Paper Arts. But there's tons more. It's loads of fun to look at people's junk journal flip-throughs.

I hope to show you some of my books - I'm hoping to paint in them as well.

Until next time-God Bless you!



Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Paved Road! Feeling fancy when something nice happens can last for a long time.
I look forward to seeing you book creations.

Valerie-Jael said...

Enjoy making your books.Blessings to you, too! Hugs, Valerie

Hill Top Post said...

I have been wanting to get back to making books too. I really do get obsessed with it like nothing I have done before.

Debra said...

I know that feeling! I'm glad I'm not alone in that craziness! I hope you will post some of your books!

kathyinozarks said...

congrats on the paved road-that's nice. I wish I knew more on how to bind a book-there are allot of different ideas for that. a couple years ago I made a large fabric journal that I hand stitched the pages to each other-I made it out of wool-I really enjoyed that project.
make a book to paint in is an awesome idea-enjoy the journey hugs

Barbara said...

Yes! Your painting style will go very well with any kind of journal! An original project from start to finish. Looking forward to your finish!

jenclair said...

I love the creativity I see in hand-made books! So many techniques, styles, and moods on display by different artists. Can't wait to seeing your latest endeavors, Debra!

sirkkis said...

How interesting!
I don't mind to surf in You Tube because there is so much wonderful things to learn and practice. But I really want to see your books.
Happy weekend, my friend 🧡