Sunday, July 31, 2022

Bird stories...

The gourd in the crab apple tree has been rocking and rolling most of the month of July with the house wren family in residence. But the day I took these photos, the babies fledged. They filled the gourd with little squawks and peeps. The parents tolerated my presence. The gourd hangs over one path to the garden from the house, so I took that path just to see what was going on.

The parents went through an elaborate process of deciding whether or not to move in. One would flit above the gourd and chatter. Soon, twigs were filling the gourd and popping out the hole. 

I can still hear the babies in the nearby bushes. They all talk to each other and stay quite close even though they are free to fly anywhere. They have it much better than the robin babies, who must hop on the ground and learn to get worms from the parents.

Speaking of robins-the window robin tried for a third sitting in the nest in the eyelash window. She had hubby add some mud and dried grass on top of the very old nest edges (I saw him do it). So now the nest is about 8 inches tall and the yearly layers are easy to see even from the ground.

But this nesting wasn't going to work. Mama robin sat and sat and sang her little off tune song. I can recognize her from her out of kilter song. I noticed that she was sitting for a very L O N G time. I looked from inside the house into her nest when she was off  getting lunch. One egg. 

Finally one day she was gone. The song is gone. I will hope for next year...

Above-the house wren parent on the gourd...

The zinnias are for my friends who couldn't get their seeds to sprout this year.

 Sam and I are a day early posting since I said in August I'd be back at Feather Garden.
I hope your summer has been a good one.
I treasure the time you take to comment or just visit here.
God Bless you!


kathyinozarks said...

Good morning Sunday, Loved your post-we have always really enjoyed birds so loved the stories.
Sam looks happy too Happy end of July

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovely photos, the wrens are a story to be painted. Sad,robin egg didn't hatch, a lesson for trying.
Happy Sam is a delight.

sirkkis said...

Wonderful nest, never seen this kind earlier. Very sweet robin, hop she return next spring. Thank you for sharing lovely photos. Sam seems to enjoy his bath.
Wishing you very happy upcoming August xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I stopped by earlier and was going to leave a conmment, but was unable to because there was no "publish your comment" button. Back after a few hours, it is now there. Blogger hates me.

You and Sam have put a wonderful post together. I enjoyed seeing the wrens and learning about them. I'm not sure I've ever seen one in my yard. I HAVE seen robins, though and that is a sad tale of the poor female.

I love the beauty of your garden. You have the greatest accessories in it, too. Happy August to you and Sam, dear.

DVArtist said...

OMGosh this is a fabulous post. I love all of the photos.

Hill Top Post said...

This IS another great post! I have embiggened and studied every photo here. Not so long ago, I went back through your entire blog studying pictures, many of them from your wonderful gardens and many of your fabulous paintings. And, several of your beloved Sam! I must add that only you would think of helping a bird construct their nest. That really made my day and I am still smiling at the thought. So glad you are back!

Becki said...

You have quite a way with words, describing the different birds' behaviors. I was quite enthralled. Your garden just gets more beautiful with the passing weeks. You give me ides for taking pictures in my own yard. There are a few items here left behind by the previous owners, and while I enjoy seeing them it never occurs to me to try to incorporate them into pictures. I think I will try harder to see my yard through another's eyes.

craftytrog said...

Beautiful blooms, and I love the photos of the birds!